CONDITIONS REGARDING LAWYERS THE SITUATED WEBs - The present document contains the conditions lawyers for the accessand the use of the situated one web of scuola di golf by Sauro Prosperi. Approaching the Web Site, or using the materials in it contained it is engaged to respect the following general conditions. Property of the site Web. This Web site is of property of Sauro Prosperi, Milano 20123 - Italy. email: Copyright and Right on the Brand. This Web Site is protect from the copyright like work singleand/or composed and/or collective to the senses of the Italian lawsand the European Union in matter of copyright, of the international conventions and the other norms in matter of copyright. Any usenon-authorized of the materials contained in the Web Site absolutely is forbidden. All the rights are classified. date: 26 Nov. 1998 by Sauro Prosperi, Italy. AGGIORNAMENTO: OTTOBRE 2015 Following marks on line: They are marks commercial and logos recorded to name of the Company. Any use non-authorized of such marks commercial or of the rights connected to it marks absolutely isprohibited less than it has not been obtained the consent estimate written from part of the Company. The Web Site could contain documents, images, software, information and other materials of property of thirds party, like photographies, publicity, clip filmati and music. Any usenon-authorized of the materials contained in the Web Site absolutely is prohibited, less than it has not been obtained the consent estimate written from part of the owner of the materials in object. The Company thinks of to have respected the rights of intellectual property of the thirds party. If someone thinks that in the Web Site they have been violate the own rights it is prayed of appel immediately to: Sauro Prosperi, Milano 20123 - Italy. email: - Fax: 02-700419462. Use and access to the Web Site. The customer will be able to unload or to copy the releas able Content sand other materials visualizon this Web Site only for its not commercial personal use; on condition that one acknowledges that the materials covered from the present Copyright in they are protected and that the customer engagements to respect all the copyrights and the other rights contained in this Web site. The copy or the memorization of any of the Contents for various from those personal and not commercial uses absolutely is prohibited less than it has not been obtained the consent estimate written from part of Company will be able to modify, to cancel or to suspend the any totality or of the characteristics of the Web site in any moment, comprised the availability of the totality or any part of the Web site, the functions and the database of the Web Site. Company et will be able moreover to correct eventual errors oromissions in any part of the Web Site or to impose limitations ondetermined functions and services, or to limit the access of the customers to parts or the totality of the Web site with out reporting requirement and without that this shapes some responsibility. Link to other situated ones web. It is convene explicitly that the site ones web for which they come supplied of the link to the inside of the Web Site they are not subject to the control of Company. Consequently, the Golf Company does not assume some responsibility inrelation to the site ones for which they come supplied the link, or in relation to eventual potential deriving from or connected damages to the use of such link. Moreover, the existence of link between a this site any Web and other sites one web is not and it will not be understanding like an approval from part of connected such the Company of site web through link and/or of its contents. Diniego of guarantee and limitation of responsibility the customer recognizes to use the Web Site just risk. The service comessupplied " In the state in which it is found " and the Company denies any guarantee, explicit and implicit explicitly comprised, little esemplificativo title, guarantees of accuracy, reliability,property, not violation, specific or any fine suitabilities for other guarantee condition, assurance or declaration, oral, written or in electronic format, comprised, to mere esemplificativo title, any guarantee on the accuracy or the thoroughness of any contained information in the site supplied Web or from the sameone. The Company does not declare and it does not guarantee that the access to the site Web will not be interrupted or that the Web site will not contain malfunzionamenti, errors oromissions or losses of transmitted information, or that no virus will be transmitted on the Web site. The Company will not be responsible in the comparisons of the customers of site or the any ones third part for eventual directed, indirect, special, comprised the receipt case virus from the Web site, the use or the confidence made on the Web site or any of the information or the materials available on the Web Site. Applicable laws and jurisdiction. The customer recognizes and to all the aims agree that eventual controversies that had to derive from the access and/or the use of the Web site will be subject to the Italian Laws and will have to be subordinates to the exclusive jurisdiction of an Italian Court. Protection of the privacy. Company is engaged protect yours privacy. That that follows is a synthesis of several the ways in which Company draft the information that you offer to us using this Web site. Company does not collect identificative information if not on the base of your express consent. Sometimes you will supply given tous that they could reveal your identity. We could use this information for business inner reasons but without never to connect such information to some name, address or other identificative information. In this way we can give personalized information without compromise yours privacy. In some cases, if sended for email a question or some council to us, as an example, we can demand your name, email, addressor other information, so that we can give for email one answer. If you choose these information, we will only use them for the specific scope for which you have supplied to them, in contrary case will be demanded to you and you will be able to forbid various uses from part of the Company. You could have read something care to the " Cookies ". The Cookies is site information that theWeb they send to the hard disk of your computer in order to collect given. The use of the Cookies is site an industrial standard and much Web uses it in order to supply useful information for their purchasers. The Cookies same does not identify the customer personally, although they identify the computer of the customer. The greater part of the browsers initially is shaped in order to accept the Cookies. Our Cookies does not contain no identificativa personal information. This clause on the privacy can subsequently be modified; eventual news of modifications will appear on this page, therefore it is useful control often. Modifications. The previous norms could be modified from the Company of time in time; the notifications of eventual reviews of such norms will be announced on this page. The continued use of the Web site from part of the customer will be equivalent to the acceptance from part of the same customer of such modifications or reviews of such norms; consequently, we advise to the customer to control this page regularly. two pages - Il documento è formato di (2) due pagine. IF THE CONTAINED NORMS IN THESE PAGES ARE NOT APPROVED OF, IT ISPRAYED NOT TO USE THE SITUATED WEB AND TO EXIT IMMEDIATELY. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed..
Copyright © Sauro Prosperi